Welcome to The house!
Serve, Join a Group, Become a mentor, get baptized, meet with a pastor, and more.
Whether you’re new to our community or new to faith completely, we’d love to get to know you and welcome you into our community. We hope The House is a place for you to grow and connect with others. There’s lots of different ways to get connected, from groups to serve teams to mid-week events. Fill out the form below to help us know how to serve you best.
New to the house? join us for lunch!
Once or twice a semester we host a newcomer’s lunch where you’ll get an opportunity to meet new people, hear about the story and vision of The House from a few pastors, and learn more about how to get connected.
Our next newcomer’s lunch will be on March 9, following the 11am service. RSVP below!
Questions? Let us know!
If you have a specific question or want a little more information, let us know by emailing connect@thehouseonline.ca and we’ll follow up.