Marriage Ministry

There are very few decisions bigger than the commitment to get married. Marriage is a sacred gift we want to help cultivate and cherish in our community. Below you’ll find a few resources we offer to help you as you think about marriage.



Pre-Marriage Mentoring

Though so much time goes into preparing and planning for a wedding celebration, preparing for marriage is significantly more important. Beginning your marriage well will help set you up for a strong, lasting relationship. If you’re considering marriage or are already engaged and desire to invest in your relationship, we offer pre-marriage mentoring program that includes 4-6 sessions with one of our certified marriage mentoring couples, along with an individual assessment to be completed by you and your significant other.

The assessment costs $50 USD per couple, and we suggest an honorarium of $100 be given to your marriage mentors to honour their time and allow them a night out to reinvest in their own marriage.

Marriage mentoring team






Marriage ministry

Throughout the year we host a number of events to help build and strengthen marriages in our community. Here’s a snapshot of what that looks like currently:

Marriage Mentoring

We have a number of great marriage mentors who are willing to support you in your marriage relationship. Reach out to us at and we’ll follow up with next steps.


Marriage Date Nights

Throughout the year we host seasonal date nights to help you connect or reconnect with your spouse. These nights are open to all and include a brief thought around how to continue investing in your relationships, regardless of your stage of life. Below are some highlights from our marriage ministry events.



We have a limited capacity for wedding requests and due to the large number of requests we receive, priority is given to couples who are a regularly part of our church community. If you would like a pastor from The House to officiate your wedding please fill out the form below.

*For couples wishing to have a pastor from The House officiate their wedding, we require they go through our pre-marriage mentoring program.