Most Christians believe the Bible is central for a life of faith, but few actually know the big storyline of scripture. Essentials is a series exploring the essential themes and events throughout the story of scripture. What are some of the key themes that show up in the Old Testament and New Testament? How does Jesus make sense of the Old Testament? These are the questions we’ll ask in this series.
Week 1: searching for meaning
This week we start at the beginning. Why did God create us in the first place? What is the meaning of life?
What we discover is the most foundational theme throughout the whole of scripture.
Week 2: The breaking
This week we explore what goes wrong in the story of scripture. It doesn’t take long before the train goes off the rails. This is what the Bible calls sin. It’s something our culture is generally averse to acknowledging but is foundational to understand in the story of scripture.
Week 3: Covenant community
Sometimes our theology goes straight from Genesis 3 (the problem of sin) to the story of Jesus (the solution to sin). But there’s a huge chunk of scripture in between those two things. In fact, it’s 926 chapters. We’re going to explore what God was doing in the middle of those two events this week.
Week 4: The person of Jesus
The climax of the entire biblical story is the person of Jesus. There’s no Christianity without him. There’s no New Testament without him. Everything finds its fulfillment in him. He’s the main character. And in a surprising turn of events, the defining act of his life was his death. This week we explore the person of Jesus.
Week 5: The invitation of jesus
If the story of Jesus is the center of the biblical story, then what does it mean for us now? Are we just simply waiting around, holding onto a few strange beliefs about heaven?
The answer is no! Jesus offers us an adventure of a life through a simple, but profound invitation.
Special Thanks:
99 Rows - Venue
Benjamin Armstron - Camera Operator
Quinn McGraw - Audio Post Production